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Special Activities at the 62nd Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair


Bangkok, Thailand - 7/11 September 2018.

Highlighting the theme of “Heritage & Craftsmanship”, the Niche Showcase exhibition will feature 5 product groups:

  1. “Heritage & Craftsmanship” Jewelry with an emphasis on exquisite craftsmanship,
  2. “Spiritual Power” Jewelry of belief and opulence,
  3. “Metro Men” Jewelry for men,
  4. “The Moment” Jewelry for special occasions,
  5. “Beyond Jewelry” lifestyle items decorated with metals and precious stones.  

The New Faces a showcase of Thai SMEs manufacturers and designers with intricate craftsmanship from across the country who have never joined the BGJF totalling over 100 exhibitors.

Innovation and Design Zone (IDZ) showcasing innovative jewelry businesses and start-ups to develop commercial uses and seek business matching partners such as Jewelry RFID, tag-making, stock management systems, jewelry-making from bricks, glass that utilizes high heat treatment to shape and black smoke technique to highlight carving patterns.

Seminars to give knowledge to Thai gems and jewelry businesses to expand to international markets organized by the New Academy Economy (NEA) by experts from Thailand and abroad in topics ranging from raw material, jewelry trends, marketing, to gem certification such as How to Expand Your Jewellery Customization Market by CAD & 3D Printing, Market Opportunities in Iran, China, Taiwan, South Korea and Malaysia, Jewelry Design Trends from the Editor of Jewellery Outlook in the UK, Raw Material Sourcing in International markets, and the Export Clinic 2018 with experts from DITP overseas offices.