Lady Pomegranate Pendant in Silver, Ruby And Red Agate
Lady pomegranate pendant in silver, ruby and red agate
Lady Pomegranate Pendant in Silver, ruby & red agate. Handmade jewelry by Fatemeh Safartalab
İmalatçı:jewelryAround Ülke: Italia Ürün kodu: FS-SA1 Collection Name: Fatemeh Safartalab Stone Carats: 0.650 gr. red atomic ruby Metal Carats: circa 4.5 gr silver 925
€ 120,00
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Ürün özellikleri
The idea of designing and making the pomegranate lady was derived from Yalda Night (the longest night of the year, the last day of autumn), from its stories which is revered by Persians while they are eating pomegranate and red fruits and celebrate the night till morning with hafez poems.
Each year all Persians around the world merrily celebrate the last day of autumn, staying awake until dawn, so as to defeat the darkness and destructive spirit. Pomegranate Lady was born and worn around the neck through the blessedness of Yalda Night, the auspicious night of Iranians, getting ingrained in the stories told by grandmothers, so as to be the messenger of felicity, birth, and joy.
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