Palakiss announces the new dates of Summer, the international jewelry fair of Vicenza, in the sign of the restart. The appointment for the industry operators, Italian and foreign companies and buyers, will be from Thursday 10 to Monday 14 September 2020.
«Palakiss does not stop, it’s ready to start again with Summer, the national jewelry fair. We safely reopen our gold and silver delivery show in Vicenza, we want to give our partners the support and visibility that their business needs to resume with confidence – says Andrea Marcon, CEO of Palakiss Spa -. The world of jewelry, in this exceptional economic moment, deserves special attention, in Italy and Europe there are important manufacturers in the gold and silver field: returning to show their collections on an international stage is a sign of positivity and optimism. Behind each jewel, there is a story made of passion and absolutely unique craftsmanship, a jewel contains a memory of each of us life, a gesture that goes beyond intrinsic value; we must enhance this world and support it with the tools at our disposal ».
The new Summer show dates will allow exhibiting companies and buyers to do business matching in a longer period of time with a possible extended evening opening, to allow all operators to place orders and purchases live or remotely. A choice to involve those who cannot participate or be present in Vicenza among the operators. Everything will take place in compliance with regional regulations and in compliance with social distancing regulations.
In the next few weeks, with the aim of offering companies and buyers additional opportunities for contact and networking, the new features of visibility regarding Summer, the show at the end-of-summer that anticipates trends for Christmas shopping, will be communicated.
Thanks to Vicenza Jewellery