This beautiful designer ring will serve you as a reminder of the need for the prayer.
Producent:Iordani Kraj: Russian Federation Kod produktu: B-Ko-300 Waga: 12 Wykończenie: oxidation Rozmiar pierścionka: 12 mm
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Ring of unusual shape with the full text of the prayer "Our Father". This prayer is special. It was given to his pupils-apostles by our Lord Jesus Christ himself, when they asked him: "Lord, teach us to pray." That is why this prayer is called the Lord’s. It is also called the prayer "Our Father" – at its first and second words. All Orthodox Christians, even small ones, should know it like the back of one’s hand. There is even a saying: “To know as “Our Father””, that is means, to remember something very well. This small prayer asks God for all that is necessary for human. This beautiful designer ring will serve you as a reminder of the need for the prayer.
The ring has been highly appraised by the supreme expert board consisting of leading art critics of our country.
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