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Riacetech – A history of reliability and innovation: just a matter of “Intuitive”


A reliable and solid partner, dedicated to constant research and development of new solutions. Riacetech inaugurates its third generation based on Industry 4.0

By knowing the history of a company, we can understand how important it is to choose partners that are serious and reliable. When customers have to choose what brand to entrust their production to, they must ponder things well given that they know this can put their final product at risk. Therefore, we must know our partners well before taking this step, the same as Riacetech does.

Riacetech, from intuition to patenting

In 2005, Giovanni Lejkowski had the intuition of a new concept of the wax injector and patented it. In 2006, in the January edition of T-Gold Vicenza, the prototype was presented internationally, followed by a year of industrialization and testing on ten machines installed by local customers. In 2007 Giovanni Lejkowski founded Riacetech in a small laboratory of 120 m2. And that’s how this adventure began.

Conquering world markets

In 2008 the conquest of international markets begins. In 2011, due to the international demand and supply to two of the three most important world brands, bigger production spaces are needed: Riacetech triples its offices. In 2012 research and development – not only in terms of injectors – lead to the formulation of new waxes and to an innovative system of production by extrusion. A new establishment is opened and is dedicated uniquely to the production of these.

In 2013, Riacetech opens a branch in Bangkok: the new RiaceThai provides post-sale technical support to the whole Asian region.

The second injector generation

In the same year, a second Industry 4.0 generation of injectors comes to life. The new Intuitive family differs from the previous one for its technological solutions, for the fact that it can be controlled by a tablet, and for the emotional pleasure it gives at the time of being used. In 2014, the Intuitive family welcomes the Belt model, which, together with the functionality of Industry 4.0, transforms production into a completely automatized system.

In 2015, the success and innovation of Intuitive displace competitors, while the remarkable increase in demand forces Riacetech to elaborate new production methods. In 2016, the training courses at Toyota, Japan, open the way for Lean production systems, which are based on TPS (Toyota Production System) allowing for a fast and dynamic response to market requests.

R&S and post-sale: the third generation is on the way

2017 is the year of the inauguration of the new offices. Spaces are tripled once again, covering an area of over 1000 m2, 400 of which are reserved for R&S and post-sale services. Customer care is taken on by 3 employees fully dedicated to this activity.

In 2018, Riacetech completes its production line for Industry 4.0 introducing the casting Intuitive R machine, a project that is born with the participation of one of the historical brands of the sector. It is the start of the third generation.

Giovanni Lejkowski’s challenges

“My passion and search for constant improvement, my continuous personal and direct contact with customers, meant to guarantee their investment, allow me today to participate in the world fairs with high satisfaction, knowing that here I meet with friends, rather than customers”, says Giovanni Lejkowski, Ceo & Founder di Riacetech Srl.

“Our motto remains the same: Non-Stopping Innovation. Despite being a dramatic event, the crisis rewards companies that are serious, that have a history and rest on ethical principles, that know how to be dynamic and innovative, and that have a deep respect for their customers. For this reason, Riacetech is on a constant rise. There are some important competitors outside Italy, with which we have to contend every day, each of us offering specific technological solutions; it is then customers who evaluate the differences and choose based on their needs. With competitors of such magnitude, that are able to offer alternatives, the challenge becomes electrifying and the incentive to search for new solutions gets stronger. And the market enjoys the beneficial effects of this”, concludes Lejkowski.