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Jewelry Virtual Fair: the joint venture with Alo continues


A joint venture born in January 2020 during VICENZAORO and renewing itself at VOICE, VICENZAORO International Community Event.

Jewelry Virtual Fair and Alo will be present in Vicenza’s fair with new ideas and projects for the world of jewellery in all its facets.

“We do not look at the past, but the present and above all the future. From the Venice headquarters, we have never stopped. We have continued to look ahead, thinking about how we could be useful to our customers, how to help them in the face of a lockdown that has completely altered their projects, how to put ourselves at the service of companies also for a relaunch of the sector, subjects that are increasingly necessary to investigate in the current context. The desire to look ahead and guarantee solutions for the sector is increasingly pulsating – says Gloria Reali, Project Leader of the start-up JVF srl – With Alo Zone and the Alo Sphere service, we allow companies to develop professional services, such as the creation of quality videos and images. We believe that the jewellery sector is a sector that seeks more and more innovative services, a sector where attention to people and sustainability are essential values ”.

The world of jewellery composed of precious things, traditional arts and ‘crafts’ that need to keep up with times.

JVF, thanks to the support of Alo Zone, is close to the customer in the choice of tools, for the creation of useful contents for an increasingly complete visual experience of the product.

Thanks to Vicenza Jewellery