At Arezzo Fiere e Congressi, in Arezzo – Italy, from 10th to 13th May, the 44th edition of IEG’s exhibition
Exhibitors and buyers from Made in Italy jewellery and technology exports’ reference markets
Première competition at its 34th edition. The new entry: Puccini's “Gianni Schicchi” on stage at Petrarca Theatre
Arezzo (Italy), 4th March 2025 – Oroarezzo is preparing to welcome the protagonists of the Made in Italy and international gold and jewellery industry with the 44th edition of the show organised by Italian Exhibition Group, which will be back at Arezzo Fiere e Congressi, in Arezzo – Italy, from 10th to 13th May. Oroarezzo will host the best of jewellery manufacturing in the gold district that occupies the top step of the export podium: according to the latest economic data compiled in January by Confindustria Federorafi for a study on the gold and jewellery sector conducted by Mediobanca on a national scale, Arezzo confirms its export champion status among the sector’s Italian districts with a growth of 119% and a value of €5.3 billion.
With the aim of strengthening the strategic nature of the event for the global jewellery industry, IEG is renewing the product range and exhibition layout of a trade show that is the platform of choice for “shaping jewelry ideas” by selecting the top foreign buyers for Made in Italy exports’ reference markets, hosted thanks to the support of the Italian Trade Agency, and extending the exhibition area dedicated to sector technologies as well as the conference aspect for international operators.
The event is returning after a 2024 edition that closed with a +6.5% increase in visitors compared to 2023, 8.7% more than in 2019, and a 9% increase in the share of foreign visitors - from 109 countries. Also with reference to 2024, among the 360 exhibitors at the IEG event, the component of exhibitors from outside Italy grew by 12%.
Once again at the 2025 edition of Oroarezzo, Arezzo's manufacturing and stylistic expertise will have its main showcase in the foyer of Arezzo Fiere e Congressi with the unique pieces of Première, the award that enhances creativity in jewellery design inspired by the theme that Oroarezzo art director, Beppe Angiolini, will unveil in the coming weeks.
For international jewellery operators, Oroarezzo stands out as the setting of choice for “networking’” opportunities thanks to the historical and cultural context that the city has to offer. This year, the highlight for exhibitors, buyers and event partners will be the staging of “Gianni Schicchi. A Comedy Opera in One Act” by Giacomo Puccini, with the Orchestra of Tuscany conducted by Fabrizio Maria Carminati, starring Maestro Mario Cassi and the students of “Le Stanze dell'Opera”, directed by Manu Lalli. It will be staged on Monday 12th May at the Petrarca Theatre thanks to collaboration between Italian
Exhibition Group, the City of Arezzo and the Fondazione Guido d'Arezzo and with the support of Confindustria Federorafi.