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Faro f35 cnc

F35 is the most versatile and popular 7-axis equipment in the compact class of CNC machine tools for all accurate engraving, diamond-cutting, drilling and stone pre-setting tasks on different materials of beads, half round and flat rings, wedding bands and hollow bangles, even oval and of irregular shape.

Manufacturer: Faro International
Country: Italia
Collection Name: CNC Machines
€ 128.000,00
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Product specifications
Wedding bands, flat and D-shaped rings, round and oval hollow bangles, beads, watch cases and dials are the main but not all the products, also of irregular shape, that can be customized by the Faro F35, the most versatile and compact 7-axis CNC machine available today in the jewelry industry for all accurate engraving, diamond-cutting, drilling, milling and stone pre-setting tasks on different materials including titanium and platinum using the optional system of coolant liquid recirculation.

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